Due to our level of security, our Digital Signatures are now officially accepted by several providers such as
For every document digitally signed within our solution, we generate an Audit page that you can find inside the Documents folder. For every document you send to one of these providers, don’t forget to send that Audit page as well - this guarantees the Advanced level under the eIDAS regulation.
How can you know if the platform is safe?
As you know the requirements for an advanced electronic signature Article 26 of the Regulation on Electronic Identification and Trust Services in the Internal Market (910/2014/EU) states that an advanced electronic signature must be:
Uniquely linked to the signatory.
Capable of identifying the signatory.
Created using electronic signature creation data (that is, a private encryption key) that the signatory can, with a high level of confidence, use under his sole control.
Linked to the signed data in such a way that any subsequent change in the data is detectable.
Our Electronic Signature system goes one step further and ensures that the documents can’t be altered once they’re signed. Trust in our security model is key to our success.
How do we differentiate ourselves from others?
There’s a 2 step process to sign a document:
A checkbox confirming the user has read the agreement
A button which confirms the user wants to accept this agreement
At the moment the client accepts the agreement, we:
Create an electronic fingerprint for the user
Store the user’s fingerprint and embed algorithm into the respective document which will ensure the same document and signature are immutable
Generate a PDF (permanent, immutable file) with the agreement and the date and time of the fingerprint (available to both client and adviser within our system)
Build a Certificate of Acceptance, visualising for the client and Adviser the fingerprint information we hold within the system, confirming who signed it, when and where.
We are constantly improving our levels of security, next steps include:
Adding Two Factor-authentication (2FA) to provide a belt and braces approach to guarantee that the same person that accessed the system is the same signing it.
For more information, please visit our official website.
Thank you